Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thoughts on indecisiveness: Pep Talk

You always know what you want.
Isn't it true?
Don’t kid yourself by saying, “I don’t know what I want.”
You do know, the only problem is sometimes it’s scary to admit what you really want.
What makes your heart bloom, what makes it warm up at the thought?
Sometimes it may be the possibility of doing something new that scares you or the possibility of failing.
But you know what you’re capable of, so why second guess your wants and dreams?
They are worth fighting for, standing behind proud and ready for whatever comes to pass. 

1 comment:

Adam B said...

Brianna, I love this pep talk. Even when you're feeling down, you still manage to be positive about what struggles you have (you may disagree, but at the very least, you do eventually - some people never get to the that point), and that is a really great quality to have. :)