For some reason when I start thinking about things and just have so much on my plate. I want to write, and sometimes it comes out as poetry(not very good poetry) and some times songs and short stories. But basically, this is my blah blah page. :)
Looking back from times that've past
Remembering what was, that didn't last
Something lost, that won't be found
Trying hard to forget and move round
Sincerely moved, from the concept
From day to day, and week to week
Time moves so slowly, and inches towards the end
How can we find, what were looking for
When were stuck in a muddle
All make the soul grow older
Yearning to be happy for someone around
Trying to fake that happy smile
To see that, with it
Turns the inside so cold
With no warmth around and no way to take hold
To be happy, when so miserable
Is a hard thing to do
How to break free from the muddle of drubble
The hi and hello
The goodbye and see ya later
"There is a fine line between a lover, and a friend
There's a fine line between reality and pretend"
One step at a time
One tear fallen down
One smile set aside
One last yearning for an honest goodbye
Say yes
Say No
Don't project what you think
Don't tell what you think
Just have the honesty to tell me it's done
It's over
It's through
And it's finished