Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thought for a moment: A Beautiful Heartbreak by Hilary Weeks

"Heartache is a gift God has given us to know that we need him by our side to enable us to feel incomprehensible joy"

If we all wrote our own signs, we would be more compassionate towards one another..


Sierra @ Sierra's View said...

This is exactly what I needed. Thank you.

Lindsay said...

I had to search all over the internet to find you. My family visited Nauvoo this summer and my daughter has talked about it daily ever since. She still sings and dances the songs from the YPM shows, and loves to have "Anna Amanda" hair. Did I mention she's only 3? Please email me at jones240 at gmail dot com so I can more fully explain the influence you've had in our life.

Alyssa said...

My dearest companion. It was meant to be that I found your blog today. I love you so incredibly much! Just wanted you to know.