It's summer and school is fast approaching.
We haven't done much this summer; visited St. George, went swimming a couple times, and watched a ton of Netflix.
It has been so hot here that it feels like we live in the pit of hell somewhere.
I am ready and not ready for school to start. I keep going back to school to work on little things that I can be in control of.
Here at home, I feel bad for Mr. M. He has such a hard time with the small things.
I try to tell him that everyone has something, but I know it still gets him down from time to time.
Brain injuries are hard knock in life.
Little C. is full swing toddler with more energy that we can fit into a day. It's back and forth, chasing and whaling. Jumping and throwing. Yelling and screaming "hi". His vocabulary is expanding everyday thanks to starfall, books, and different shows on Netflix.
Currently reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" I'm convinced I'm going to read through all 100 books on Time's "Most influential books". This book is #1.
I love my job. I love teaching and I am SO excited to go to training and learn more about where I work. I have almost all of the bulletin boards covered and ready to go. I just need to finish the ones out in the hall. I'm thinking a teen titans or avengers display with various cheers that are taken from school. It should be super cute, with the help of the projector as a tracing tool. I love tracing. Everyone thinks I am this awesome artist, when I merely traced, cut and glued.
I got a breast exam the other day. I had a small little cyst growing in my right breast, but they are more than 90% sure it isn't cancerous, but they want me to check back in 6 months time to see if anything changes.
Thanks all!
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