Saturday, April 4, 2009

Well, the feeling doesn't go away.

“I am sometimes disappointed, but I love my life ... and I must believe that the disappointments contribute something to what I love.” - Jan Denise
I didn't make Beauty and the Beast. Not even as a spoon, or a rug or anything. I got the email this morning and now I am kinda having a crumby day. Is that understandable or am I acting immature? If i'm acting immature than i'm sorry, but i need to rant out my feeling just a tad bit, so that I can feel better and move on with my life.
What did i do wrong?
Did i do anything right?
A month before this audition I had auditioned for another show at the Scera. The director, my friends' dad helped me after the auditioned by telling me what I could do better in future audtions.
Having a Character.
Be animated.
Have fun.
I didn't make it in the other show either.
Maybe, i'm not supposed to do theater. Maybe i am never what people are looking for. Maybe i'm better for a place, in a cubicle, for the rest of my life. Guess I better start looking. Sigh.
But, the thing is, everytime I audition for a show, everytime! they say, "you have such a beautiful voice", "you have improved SO much", "Why haven't I seen you here before?"
And then, a week later when the cast list comes out, i'm not on it...again.
If you don't think i have a chance of getting into the show, then TELL ME. Don't sugar coat it! I hate when people sugar coat things, I would much rather be told the truth then be dragged along slowly and painfully down the road of hope and dreams, and have them crushed at the end of the road with a piles of huge boulders of pain and disappointment.


“I am sometimes disappointed, but I love my life ..."

I do, I do love my life. Last week in church was the first time I bore my testimony in the last three years, I was shaking like a bat, but I did it. I am finding and meeting new people in the scriptures, people i have heard about and "read" about in church, but now I am getting to know them.
In voice lesson, I am learning an Italian song.
It's hard.
But i love it, everytime i sing it.
I know I sing classically better than musical theater. I just envy the people that can do both (Erin). :) (love ya girl)

I guess this is a learning experience and maybe the Lord is telling me that I am not supposed to do theater, I'm not supposed to be on stage, i'm just supposed to stay in the back, behind a few more people, in a choir...

Well there you go.

"...and I must believe that the disappointments contribute something to what I love."

I love music
I just cant seem to express myself in it the right way.

1 comment:

Erin Day said...

First off. You can rant. I give you permission. As a grade A ranter I understand.
Second. Your voice should NEVER be hid. You have one of the most gorgeous voices in this world. It is so ethereally beautiful and clear. I try so hard to sound like you. You are phenomenal at singing parts and you SHOULD be in choir so that others can follow you and so the section doesn't suck.
Third. Your time will come honey. I promise. Maybe not at this time. But someday.
And need I remind you that you got that solo in choir? I still listen to that and get chills. And you got the solo in seasons of love.
Brianna you are incredible. And if you hide your voice I will come at you with many angry verbalities.