Saturday, May 30, 2009

One day at a time, a lifetime to fill them.

I have been thinking the last couple days about how life is: what life is: and how we take advantage of the time that is given to us. On the depressing note of things we never get a moment back, we never get a second chance, we never get to press pause and rewind to try again. Every second that I sit here at my computer typing each individual word is me losing a precious moment of my life. The life that I promised myself would be remembered for the good things i have done and the accomplishments I reached and the failures that I learned from. Even at 20 years of age I regret things I have done, things I haven't done, and things I will never be able to do again. There are instances that i wish i could woosh back to. To remember the happiness, or sadness, or trial, or adveristy, or the laughter, tears, hugs, smiles and just pure bliss.

How do you know what to do with the time that is given you. There are so many things i would like to do, and things that I don't want to do...but I tell myself that this is the life that was given me and I won't be able to do these things on the other side but i still dont' do them. (like going on rollercoasters for one) I won't die on these things, they aren't incredibly life changing, but I don't do it and I lose that chance to say I did what I set out to do...and I never get that moment back.

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